17 Months Old!

Little N is 17 months old today! And what a special little guy he is.

He is in constant motion. He still loves his dog, Lucky, but now he is also very attached to his Pooh Bear and someitmes also the blue bunny on his bed. He still loves his books – especially Goodnight Moon, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, the Noisy Truck book, the Noisy Farm book, and the board book of baby body parts. He is not eating much these days, but today he fed himself applesauce from a spoon all by himself! And he has a bottom molar in his mouth, which I just noticed today coming in.

He is very opinionated and screams A LOT when he doesn't get what he wants. He LOVES to pull the girls' backpacks home from school. He does NOT like it when the backpacks have to go in the car. He loves to be outside and loves to explore. He LOVES the Wiggles and calls them "Ga Ga". He loves when Grandma comes over and today started calling her Buppie when he saw a photo of her. He is still a great sleeper.

He loves to stack things. He likes to take everything out of the Tupperware drawer and put it all over the floor. He loves keys and cell phones and the computer – anything with buttons. He loves when you sing the alphabet song to him. He LOVES LOVES LOVES his sisters, and will always want to play with them.

He likes to play "Where's Mommy" in the house. He won't take a bath without sitting in his bath ring, which he is too big for. He doesn't love his carseat.

Some pics from today – picking up the girls at school and pulling their backpacks, and wearing M's baseball hat.








It is hard to take pictures of someone who is in constant motion!

Hopefully this gives a sense of what N is like these days. He's such a sweetie and we all love him so much.

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