2 Days ‘Til NC

On Saturday, we are going to the beach for a week. I am going to take a break from nightly posts, so I won't blog for a week. But I will post many pics and stories when we return. We will be joined by Grandma Dina, Grandpa Ron, Buppie, Deb and Olivia. The girls are very excited, Tonight we started packing. We did all of their clothes, towels, bathing suits, books, hair stuff, DVDs, animals (which took up half the bag), and the stuff from the basement – kite, floaties, tents, umbrella, etc. I've already set aside all the toys and games we're going to bring and the kitchen stuff. Tomorrow: arts and crafts supplies, technology, and my clothes.

M&A learned a new song yesterday, which they love to sing:

Here comes the bride, all dressed in white

Where is the groom? He's in the bathroom.

Why is he there? He lost his underwear.

Since the girls are out of school, they don't have a lot going on. So, yesterday they had a playdate with Pilim Jessie, and today Lily and Leapfrog Jessica. Tomorrow – Charlotte. And then I will take them to a makeup class at gymnastics if they can fit us in.

Tonight we read a book I remember from being a little girl – A Birthday for Frances. (Although it's really about Gloria's birthday, not Frances').

I hope I don't forget to pack anything important.

I will try to post tomorrow if I have time. If not… then I will post when we return!!

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