21 Days of N

N is three weeks old today!

He has been doing well. Sleeping a lot during the day. Nights have been a mixed bag. Sometimes he's hard to get to sleep, and sometimes he sleeps for long stretches. Newborn territory.

Meanwhile the girls have had a good first week of camp. A has made some noise about switching out of her Acting class – will see what she says when I pick her up today. Meanwhile, it is HOT HOT HOT here – 101 degrees. We may go swimming after camp.

We've been watching the Olympic Trials at night – all swimming so far. I think that gymnasticst are on tonight so that should be fun.

I took N to my office yesterday to show him off. Other than a massive spit up and two outfit changes, he behaved perfectly and was a big hit. Some pics my colleagues took on Instagram:


He's got his old Jewish man look going in those.

A few other recent pics…




One of the two best big sisters ever:



Some pics that M took…

Imogene's updo:


The current size of my belly – only 4 months pregnant-looking! Sigh.


The Boppy:


The Mommy:


And here are some recent videos: