So, it snowed a lot today! In fact it just stopped. I am looking at the deck and there is an enormous pile of snow on the table and the grill. Probably three feet on each. It's a lot of snow!
Daddy did a lot of shoveling today. Here's what else we did today: played with some of the girls' games from when they were little – ToppleTree, Trouble, Hiss, and assorted puzzles, made some banana bread, made snow ice dessert, read, watched baking TV competitions, and had dinner at our neighbor's house across the street! We were invited to a block potluck and actually talked to the people we live across the street from. It was fun! The girls were great about taking care of N and our neighbors's daughters. I think I owe them money.
I asked Daddy how we should take out the trash, given that we can't get to the alley, and N said, "I think we should take out the trash in the spring".
We are just happy that the power is on. As long as it stays on, we'll do some cooking tomorrow and some exercise DVDs and some straightening up, and we may have some friends over for dinner.