5 Months!

Today, baby N is five months old!

Here is an update on N:

  • He is still the cutest baby boy I have ever seen.
  • He's still enormous – probably over 20 pounds.
  • He is still very, very smiley.
  • He's rolling over intermittently – seems to do it more during the day than in the evening.
  • He's liking his cereal but not eating all that much of it.
  • He's nursing pretty well still, and he gets mostly breastmilk with some formula mixed in.
  • He LOVES to watch his sisters do just about anything, but in particular he loves to watch them dance.
  • He also likes to watch Lucky (who is at his eye level!).
  • His favorite places to hang out these days are on his blue blankets and on the little slider/kicker toy he got a few months ago. He's not as into the nap nanny anymore because he likes to sit up straighter rather than reclining. He can also hang out in the exersaucer but not for more than about 15 minutes.
  • He's never spent any time in the Bumbo seat.
  • He likes to grasp toys and rattles – anything colorful.
  • He loves to grab M&A's and my hair.
  • He's sleeping pretty well. He goes down around 8-9 and sleeps about 11-12 hours. Lately, he's been waking up a lot at night and crying. We usually don't go in and he usually stops and eventually goes back to sleep. This morning he woke up at 5:30 and I nursed him til he went back to sleep.
  • He loves Imogene. (LOVES.)
  • He gets cuter every day.

Here are some pics I took tonight pre- and post-bath with my iPhone. They aren't great but they represent what happened tonight! (He doesn't smile when he sees the camera because he's too busy trying to figure out what the camera is! Also, tonight, I had Grandma Sandy on speakerphone and he kept turning to look at the phone to see where her voice was coming from.)

Love my baby boy.


