6 Weeks and Ice Cream

It's Friday – yay!

The girls had a good first week of Levine Camp. There was a newspaper issued by the camp today, which M read cover to cover. Lots of information about the teachers and counselors at the camp.

After camp we went to Broad Branch Market – 5th time this week! – which probably isn't on the summer diet plan. The girls had Cookie Overload ice cream.

Tonight I grilled turkey burgers and we are now watching "Mirror Mirror", which the girls are loving.

Nate is 6 weeks old today! He celebrated by crying for an hour tonight, between 7 and 8, like he usually does. Perhaps he hasn't read the books that say that colic (unexplained crying, usually at night) is supposed to go away by 6 weeks.

The girls are going camping with Daddy tomorrow – his annual daddy camping trip with some friends. They will leave tomorrow afternoon and be home on Sunday.