7 Month Wrapup

I haven't posted in two nights! Thursday night I was tired at the end of the week, and last night Daddy and I went to see a movie and I fell asleep on the couch afterwards. The girls went on a sleepover at their friend Emily's house. When we came home from the movie at 9:30, N was still awake! He had fallen asleep early in the evening and then woke up at 8 and was wide awake when we got home.

Fun stuff today! 2 grocery stores, pet store, office supply store, and rug store. (Everyone else was spared everything but the rug store.) We have a cute new rug in N's room, and are now thinking we need a new one in the girls' room. The rug in there has been there since they were born and it is very worn out.

The girls have to pick DC landmarks for a project at school. They have to submit their two top choices this week. M's are #1 Kennedy Center and #2 National Cathedral, and A's are #1 Kennedy Center and #2 U.S. Capitol. If they get assigned the Kennedy Center, I think Grandma Sandy will be able to help with listing 10 facts about the building, which is part of the assignment. (And if it's the Cathedral, I can help with that!)

Tonight we are home and Daddy is showing the girls "It's a Wonderful Life", which I have never seen either.

I realized that I never wrote about N at 7 months old! Here is what he's like right now:

N is sitting up beautifully, and he is very close to crawling. When you put something out of his reach, he gets on his stomach to try to get it and we can see that he's thinking about how to move. He's still extremely good-natured and smiles and laughs a lot. He LOVES the girls and watches them all the time, especially if they are entertaining him or cartwheeling or dancing (or wrestling, like today). HIs sleeping is a bit more erratic than when we were in Curacao – he is sleeping about 1-2 hours in the morning and some afternoons not at all. He's also waking a little bit earlier in the morning, like 7:45, unless he's been up very late the night before. He has graduated to the large convertible carseat, which is rear-facing in the car now. He's too large for that but it is MUCH safer that way. N is eating a lot – rice cereal, food, breastmilk and formula. I have made him a lot of homemade food: pears, sweet potato, avocado, butternut squash. He likes it for the most part, but I tried to feed him the squash today and he wouldn't even open his mouth. He's wearing mostly size 12 or 12-18 months, but some 9 month clothes still fit him. He has two adorable little teeth. And we all love him so much! What a cutie!

Here is a photo Grandma Sandy gave me of her with the girls at the play Cinderella a few weeks ago:


Finally, here are some pictures of Lucky from when we were on vacation. He made a new friend named Jessie.






