8th Birthday Party

Fun day here in DC. It was the girls' birthday party, which we had at Bethesda Sport & Health. The kids all played a little bit in a studio upstairs and then went in the swimming pool. The pool was a little chilly, but they seemed to have fun despite the teeth-chattering. The organizers tried to get some games going, but the kids were more interested in playing. After they got out and the marathon change-clothes-blow-dry-hair-where-are-my-clothes? session in the locker room, we headed back upstairs and had cake and pizza. I think everyone had a good time. There were 21 kids: Maddie, Alexa, Natalie, Gemma, Lily, Emily, Charlotte, Zoe, Maddie L., Tusani, Katie, Joanna, Molly, Evelyn, Lindsey, Hannah, Alli, Julia, Ellie, Abigail, and Jessie. I have lots of pictures which I will upload when I have a little bit more energy!

Also in attendance: Grandma Dina, Grandpa Ron, Sydney, Darrah, Jason, Grandma Sandy, Grampy and Imogene.

We are all exhausted!

This morning the girls had another birthday party – for Abigail – which was a showing of Harry Potter. When we got there, M was clearly anxious about watching the movie. She was really unhappy about it – sitting by herself in the back row of the theater. I asked her if she'd rather leave with me, and she said yes. So she came with me on a few errands and then we went with Grandma Sandy to the plant store to buy annuals for the backyard. She was a lot of help and enjoyed picking out the flowers of the impatients, geraniums and dahlias. We also stopped at the store and picked up the girls' birthday cake, which was a beach scene with flip flops.

They got a lot of great presents from their very generous friends.

Fun day!!