95th Percentile

Today at camp, A did princess makeup in Razzle Dazzle (the theme was Halloween and you could pick any makeup you want). M made lemon bar cookies in Young Gourmet. Sad that there are only 3 more days of Holton camp, which the girls have LOVED. Here is A's makeup:



After camp the girls had their friend Emily over. I swear, they changed activities every 2 minutes. Serious ADD. They wanted to do their spa science kit and make some "bath bombs", which were a total failure and had to be thrown out tonight. (And I was doing all the work overseeing, so it's not like they had no input from an adult.)

M loves to type on the computer using her new keyboarding skills, so this afternoon she IMed with Kristen (with whom I was IMing when M came upon me). She loved it!

In N news, he is in the 95% percentile for height (go Weiswasser genes!) and the 90th for weight. He weighs 11 pounds and 6 ounces. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) No wonder he is eating so much. Dr. Fink says that's totally fine, and that we don't need to worry about how much he's eating. He's not overweight, especially given how tall he is. Everything else looks good – circumcision, belly button, etc. All good. He had a second Hepatitis B shot, which he didn't enjoy.

I took N to the library today and to lunch in Silver Spring with a friend. He didn't wake up during either excursion until I finally got him up at the end of lunch so my friend could hold him. Then he went right back to sleep.

Among the indignities N has suffered at his sisters' hands of late:

  • M&A and their friend Emily tiptoed into his room to see him this afternoon while he was napping. While they were in there, he had a huge fart. Then they were all laughing hysterically and ran out of the room. (He never woke up.)
  • A calls him "Fatso Fogarty" really loud and sings it to him.
  • I noticed that there was glitter on his face today – see photos of A, above.
  • M squished his cheeks together on the changing table today and made him look very odd.
  • Pom-poms in the face.

He doesn't seem to mind. And, to be fair, M keeps putting Baby and Blankie in his crib with him, which is sooo sweet.

Here are some pictures I took of N this morning – I am looking for a good one for the baby announcement.



