98th Percentile and Can Can Dancers

The Not-So-Little Boy is still huge! We had his appointment today and he is STILL 98th percentile for both weight and height. He is not as big as I thought but he’s still very big – 24 pounds and 10 ounces. All looked fine – thank god. No issues! We need to give him more liquid nutrition and less solids to make sure he’s getting everything he needs. He was such a good boy at his appointment – he didn’t cry at all when they stuck his foot to get blood, and he barely cried when he got his third hep A shot. What a sweetheart.

I still haven’t uploaded his Sunday photo from last Sunday – will do tomorrow!

Meanwhile, M is going to enter the contest to design the t-shirt for the Lafayette Spring Fair. The theme this year is Cirque de Lafayette. Here is a photo that A took of M’s drawing, which we did tonight.


Here also is a video that A took of the drawing:


Cute stuff.

Speaking of cute, the girls danced tonight to the Can-Can song, inspired by a JibJab video that Aunt Tequila sent them that uses their heads on funny dancers. Here is the video. The payoff is at the end – gets me every time. And yes, those are their Spanish dresses from our trip to Spain in 2009.



And more cuteness: here is a game of peek-a-boo we played while N was in the bath tonight. A took the video.


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