Catching Up AGAIN!

I am trying to get back into posting, but after Covid I left for Nashville for work for a few days for one of my clients. I got back today and here are some updates.

N has a lot going on right now. Several sports: street hockey, pickleball and squash. He played open court pickleball tonight, has a squash lesson and a hockey game tomorrow, and squash clinic on Sunday. He's nice and active, especially when you include daily PE and soccer at recess. He is also now involved with Quiz Bowl at school (and has an online scrimmage tomorrow), is starting a Geography Club, and has the soccer group chat going as well as his weekly "country vs country" challenges that he does. So he's pretty busy and active. Still no homework tho.

A is in the middle of rush. She is actually enjoying it quite a bit. We are crossing our fingers that she will end up with good options when it's all over on Sunday. She got called back to 5 houses today and is doing house tours tonight. She also has some cool classes that she's liking so far.

M is finally feeling better and is in Kenya. She has sent some pics – not many – and so far I know she has seen zebras. That's pretty much it.

I can't remember what I posted from London and what I didn't. Sigh. But I know I never posted these pics, from NYE at the British Embassy:



The thought of going through the London pics and trying to upload the ones I didn't get to is… daunting. This site makes uploading pics really difficult.

OK, hopefully I will be better about posting now that I am healthy and not in Nashville!


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