Kindergarten Homework

N has homework! It's very exciting. This week 1. Count as high as he can and write down the number. (111) 2. Draw something in your house that is in the shape of a circle. (He picked a light fixture.). 3. Walk around the house and count the steps. (37) It's a short week so that was it. It's adorable. He is also supposed to do a reading log, but it's unclear whether that is stuff we read to him or stuff that he can read (which would be a short list!).

M's soccer was rained out last night. A is resuming tennis this weekend. M has a game that is extremely far away this weekend too, plus they have a bat mitzvah and a few other things going on. It will be a busy one! Otherwise school is gong OK so far.

Some pics from N's kindergarten class website:



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