Barmy Darmy Darms

N has been singing the lyric of a song lately, which goes "Baby, look at my eyyyyeees!" He's been crooning it, in a very funny voice. We keep asking him where he heard that song, and who sings it. He finally told me today that the person who wrote it is Barmy Darmy Darms. I asked who BDD is, and N said he is the biggest magnatile. Which means that he created both the song and the singer.

Right now he is asking me questions as if I am on a game show, reading them off a card in his hand (invisible). "What is the closest color to red?" "What is the closest thing in your body to your tush?" "What was the first year of the army?" "Which month is #6?" "What is the closest color to orange?" "What is the closest color to purple?"

He also wanted to watch the first episode of TAR again this AM so he could see how all the teams were picked.


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