In N's classroom, the kids can accumulate something called "dojo dollars" which they can use in a "dojo auction" a few times a year. (Don't ask me how they accrue the dollars.). The auction was today. N had 106 dojo dollars – more than anyone else in the class, apparently, and used 100 of them to buy this avocado squishy doll that no one else bid on because N bid so much. He was very excited. With his remaining 6 dollars, he bid on something called "book" that no one else bid on because it sounded so bland. Turns out, "book" means the teacher buys a book for the kid who wins that item. (She is amazing.) N chose a book of logic puzzles from Amazon, which she is going to order for him. So he is very excited by the results of the auction, which I have taken to calling "The Survivor Auction".