I Am Wrong A Lot

Tonight N wanted to find all of the foam letters in his bath toy container. He hasn't played with them in a long time so it took a while to find them. I kept telling him that I couldn't find any more, and he kept insisting that there were still letters in there. I eventually found them all, and said, "N, you were right! They were all there!" He said, "I was right, and you were wrong. You are wrong a lot of the time. Maybe some day I will be wrong."

N is extremely excited because a new car seat came for him. He wanted Imogene to open the box, but she wouldn't do it until I got home. He said, "Mommy isn't going to open it!" (Um, what else would I do with it?) Of course I opened it as soon as I got home. He seems to like it. 

M previously thought she wasn't going to be allowed to participate in Model UN at the State Department, but it turns out she is! She is going to be on a team from Senegal debating climate change in April. She's very excited.

A has finished the book club book, which I am so happy about because it is really good. Now M needs to read it!

It is St. Patrick's Day, which is also Lucky's birthday. We gave him a lot of treats today. We think that he is 6 years old. 🙂

Here is a photo that A took of Lucky:


Here is N in an over-filled bath because I am not used to having so much hot water!


And some pics that N took:



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