London Highlights

Today is Friday and we have been in London since Monday. It has been a fun, busy trip. 

Here are some highlights from each day. I am too tired to wrestle with Typepad's wonky photo uploads today – pics later!

Took naps
Went to dinner not too far away at a Middle Eastern restaurant, one of the only we could find that was open on Christmas Day

Took a bus to Kensington
Went to Harrods
Walked by Buckingham Palace
Walked through Hyde Park and Big Ben 
Met the girls at the London Eye
Dim sum dinner
The Witches musical (just OK)

A went to Cornwall with Delphi's family
M and I went on walking tour of Primrose Hill Park/Regents Park/Marylebone
Dad and N went to Changing of the Guard,  10 Downing Street, Arnold House, Abbey Road, Covington view
High Tea
Chelsea football game (Dad, M and N)
Shopping (me)

N and I went to Shoreditch/Brick Lane
Lunch with Nicola and Matthew in Marylebone
Walked to Natural History Museum
Fancy Indian restaurant

Back to Brick Lane to vintage clothing market (me)
Lunch with Diccon Swan (D and N)
A returned from Cornwall
Lunch with Judy Schrut (me) and then walk around The City
Walk to Hampstead Heath (D and N)
Drinks at the Landlers
Dinner with Darius and Sam in Primrose Hill Park

The weather has been mild but rainy, but overall not bad.

N has really enjoyed exploring London. We found a great book of cool maps yesterday at the museum of natural history. He said "Once our eyes met, I knew… that this would be the book… that I'd be spending the rest of my… week reading."

I've been in a lot of bookstores.

We have had fun! One more full day tomorrow and then back home.

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