Thursday at School

Lots of things happened at school today.

Both girls are on the Principal's Honor Roll again, and they received awards for it at school. M also won a Humanitarian Award for her team! We are so excited but we're not sure yet what it's all about. 

A went to an information session for the spring musical. She's not sure she's going to try out but she thinks she will. She is working on deciding which song she will sing at the audition.

The girls got valentines. A got one with no name on it. We think it is a boy's handwriting. Intrigue…

They saw a movie about bullying that was apparently quite sad.

There is no school tomorrow or Monday so they have a four day weekend. YAY!

Meanwhile, tonight N asked to play with the china tea sets that the girls had as girls. We set up the whole set. He washed a few forks and plates, took a few peanuts and crackers to use as food, and then promptly lost interest. Then we played the Rainbow Fish Memory game.

Look at the little men N set up to eat the food.



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