Tonight there were many laughs after dinner and before bed for N. M and A were very sweet with him and played with him a lot. They ended up putting on The Nutcracker and danced the part of the clowns in perfect unison, with N trailing behind. He just wants to do whatever they are doing, and it is so cute.
We talked tonight about what we would do if we won the Powerball (we didn't) and how we would buy Imogene a house. N said, "First of all [which he picked up from us], it would be a lot of money. Second of all, we couldn't carry it – it's too big. And third of all, it wouldn't fit through our front door." All true.
A is starting her new ballet school tomorrow! And M has HER ballet class tomorrow. Lots of dancing will be happening. A's goes from 4-6:30 and M's from 6:00-8:15 (or thereabouts). Two ships dancing…
M&A received a box in the mail today from Camp Louise. It had personalized welcome notes from the camp director, 2 huge Camp Louise/Airy beach towels, and some sunglasses. They were very excited. But we are still looking at other camps and nothing is final…
A got these shoes in the mail today:
And M got these shoes a few days ago:
Very grown up! They need them for a bar mitzvah we are going to on Saturday.
M told us today that some friends reminded her that in third grade, she brought in teeth that she had lost for Show and Tell. She said, "Was I really weird?" NO. She was, and is, one of the best and cutest people in the whole world.