Lots of things to be proud of the girls about.
Both girls are advancing to the next round of the spelling bee from their classroom! A did well today and won the round in her class. We're so happy for her!
Both girls also have all As right now. A got 8s on her music homework, including her composition. They are both doing really well this advisory.
N said some funny stuff tonight. I put him down about 6 times tonight, and one time he came bounding out of his room and ran right into me in the hall. He said, "Mama! Nice running into you!" Then I followed him back into his room, and he opened the door and said, "Come i-i-i-n!" in a funny voice, like someone inviting someone else back to their house.
Not as funny: it's 10:35 PM and Daddy just got home and N is STILL up.
Some pics from the weekend: