Thanksgiving Day Wrapup

We had a lovely, if somewhat impromptu, Thanksgiving dinner last night. M and especially A are still a little under the weather, but they've been in good spirits. We had a low-key day here at home. The kids watched the Thanksgiving Day Parade and the dog show in the morning, and rested in the afternoon. I managed to cook a whole dinner (with a little help from Grandma Sandy) and run the Turkey Chase. Here is what we ate:



Turkey, stuffing (thanks Mom!), corn casserole, sweet potatoes, squash, asparagus and homemade bread. Not shown: three pies that Grandma also brought. It was all delicious! And the first time I ever made a turkey.

Daddy set the table beautifully, and Amy, Ashby, Shelby and Griffin joined us for dinner (they had eaten mid-day with Amy's mom). So it was festive and fun. Everyone had a good time!





Today is Friday and M is at her rehearsal at THEARC. A's laying low today, and N and I took advantage of a gorgeous, warm day to go to the playground for a few hours. Tonight, a screening of "The Diplomat" on the couch. 🙂

We've had a fun few evenings with the Kinches and are sad that they are leaving tomorrow.


1 comment

Deborah Feldman says:

Glad everyone had fun and hope everyone is feeling better!

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