Grampy’s Birthday Dinner

I wanted to post last night but I fell asleep, and then woke up to fold laundry and fell asleep again. It was that kind of day! 

We celebrated Grampy's birthday last night with a pizza/salad/brussels sprouts/cake dinner. Happy birthday Grampy!





N helped me bake the cake and the girls decorated it.

Other stuff from the weekend…

  • We got holiday card photos taken Sunday AM
  • Mother-Daughter book club (we didn't read the book! not good)
  • M rehearsal
  • More puzzles!

Also, I didn't post on Friday night so I missed N's parent- teacher conference. His teachers said that he loves the classroom, that he explores all parts of it. He's very enthusiastic. He loves Carter and is usually with Carter, but he also has other friends in the class and is in the mix. They also said that N is very polite and always says please and thank you. He also tells Kornelia and Katelyn that he loves them. It was a good conference! 

Back at home, N had a playdate with Carter. Imogene said that they played very nicely and she could leave them on their own for stretches. N took Carter to the basement and showed him all of his toys and encouraged him to play with them, and then they went to N's room and looked at books. Plus there were lots of hugs. So cute.

A funny thing from N:

Today, he woke up, and his hair was sticking up on top. He saw himself in the mirror and said he didn't like the way the hair looked. Daddy said, "You mean the way it's standing up?" And N said, "Yes. I like it better when it's sleeping."



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