We are in the midst of a pretty busy weekend. A had her last soccer game this morning (pics below), and afterwards we went to Starbucks to celebrate. N and A both got hot chocolates and snowmen cookies. M was off at ballet, sadly. Afterwards, we headed home, and then M and I went to Silver Spring to get her some new pointe shoes at Footlights. She LOVES that store!
We had a brief visit from Tuvana and Anil in the later afternoon. So great to see them! And so cute – N took Anil up to his room and showed him a bunch of stuff. When I went up there later, I saw that N had showed him his piggy bank, a little ceramic house, a rubber ball he used to use in movement class, a silly singing penguin from the girls' room, and a book. SO CUTE. Anil was a very good sport.
Tonight we went to Daddy's new office and saw his new furniture. Then we went to dinner at Ping Pong Overpriced Dim Sum. Tonight, Daddy and I had a birthday party in the neighborhood. We showed up 3 1/2 hours after it started and caught the tail end. The girls stayed here with N, who was thankfully asleep. We were gone a little less than an hour.
Oh, and it is also Grampy's birthday today! Happy birthday Grampy! We are going to have Nana and Grampy over for dinner tomorrow night to celebrate.