Sick N

Poor little N has been sick since Thursday. His temperature hit 105 today. Very scary. We've been in touch with the pediatrician, and we're trying to keep him hydrated and medicated. He's in very good spirits and has been interested in playing, reading, puzzles, and hanging out. It's 10:40 and he's still up, unfortunately. Hopefully he will fall asleep soon. Poor little guy. He's missing a playdate at the playground with his class tomorrow, which, if he knew about, he'd be very sad to miss.

M had another Parent Observation Day at ballet today. Daddy got to see her on pointe on Thursday night but today's class didn't have pointe shoes. I will post photos and videos tomorrow. She looked amazing. It's a long and rigorous class and she did a great job. A came along to watch and enjoyed seeing her own classmates. Did she feel conflicted and nostalgic? No.

A had another good soccer game. They played a really good team and lost, but she had a lot of good blocks and did 9 goal kicks. Less muddy this week!

And tonight the girls had Ellie's birthday party. When I picked them up, they were wearing mustaches, and then they jumped in a huge leaf pile en route to the car.

It has been a really long, hard day. We're all beat.

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