Today was a mixed bag of a day.
The allergist appointment was a success. The doctor suspects that A does have a lactose intolerance based on the symptoms we described. He says that there is no reliable test to take in the office, and because he thinks she does not have a milk allergy, a blood test doesn't make sense. (A was quite relieved to learn this.) So the best course of action is to buy lactase tablets which she can eat before meals to see if they help. If they do, she's lactose intolerant! We went straight to CVS and bought them, and she ate a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch and pumpkin ice cream after dinner with no problem! So maybe we've found a solution.
M meanwhile slept in late after her sleepover with Annelise, and then the girls had piano lessons at Grandma Sandy's. Afterwards, they came home and A had her friend Olivia over. They recorded the first of A's videos for her YouTube channel, Flair4Hair. She did a cool double braid in Olivia's hair. Unfortunately, the first take was dampened by Lucky's incessant barking (more on that soon), and they had to re-do the video right before Olivia left.
Lucky's incessant barking was due to incessant banging on our roof by the roofers. We have big, big problems on our roof. Oh, and the banging led to one of the roofers basically stepping on our den ceiling and putting a big hole in it. Lovely.
I tried to work from home today and there were a lot of interruptions and loud bangs and barking and disruptions. But probably good that I was home.
And now poor little N is sick. He seemed OK today other than no appetite, but he just woke up with a fever, throwing up. Poor little boy. He was so sweet and cuddly tonight too. Hopefully it's a quick thing and he'll be on the mend soon.