2 big social events at our house today.
1. Carter came over for a playdate. It was the cutest thing ever. First, they read books in N’s room. Then they played with his toolbench. Then they had lunch (grilled cheese sandwiches). Then they hung out until Carter’s grandmother came to get him. They had a great time and N didn’t want Carter to leave.
2. Then tonight, we had a pumpkin carving party with the Kennedys. It was messy but fun. The Kennedys all made face pumpkins. N made a “laughing face” and A made a pumpkin jail with a mini pumpkin inside. I made a Washington DC skyline. And Daddy is right now working with M on her pig pumpkin. I will take photos of all the pumpkins tomorrow in the daytime. Check out A’s super clean pumpkin.
Halloween is tomorrow!