Tonight was Parents Night at TSNS, and we got to spend a lot of time in N's classroom with his teachers after the annual slide show. The photo of N in the slide show wasn't the best – he was holding a stuffed bear and you couldn't see his face very well. I don't fault the photographer – he isn't great about looking at the camera.
N's teachers are Cornelia and Catelyn, and they are both very sweet and thoughtful. It really sounds like a great class. They do a lot of activities based on what the kids are interested in, and spend a lot of time in nature and exploring things they bring in from outside.
I took some pics of the room:
Family pics:
Favorite colors of apple?
What to name hermit crab?
Job of the Week:
Cordelia and Katelyn:
Horses and hay:
Light table:
The reading area:
Katelyn in the reading area: