Today was Pajama Day at TSNS. Here is what N wore to school:
Those are his fire truck pajamas. He said Carter wore train pajamas and Zayn wore dinosaur pajamas and Carolyn wore bunny pajamas. (That's all I remember.) It was funny to see him in PJs as we were heading out to school, as my first inclination was to say, "N, why aren't you dressed?!".
A wasn't feeling well after school and blames it on her Viking Time class, which was "no-bake desserts". Sounds like the thing they made wasn't very good. 🙁 Thank you Grandma for picking the girls up at the bus stop so that A didn't have to take the bus home.
Tomorrow is both Picture Day at Deal and Pancake Breakfast in A's homeroom. We're going to get up early to get there. N is very excited as he didn't go to the last one (nor did I!).
I am heading to Baltimore tomorrow afternoon and having dinner there with my friend Mary. We're running the Baltimore Running Festival Half Marathon on Saturday morning. I'm excited!