Labor Day Weekend at Ron Dee Vous

We spent Labor Day weekend at Ron Dee Vous. It has been a lovely weekend.

We drove up Friday and didn't get here til almost 11PM. We were all really tired and went right to bed. Yesterday, we had gorgeous weather – no clouds at all – and spent a lot of time outside. We did a family canoe – kayak ride and then came back and fed fish off the deck. Turns out the fish in the lake like bananas a lot! N loves to play with the fishing rod. We didn't actually want to catch any fish because neither Daddy nor I wanted to take them off the hook.

N took a great long nap and the girls and I went to a candy store in Milford for some chocolate treats. Then we hung out here and Daddy and M went out for a kayak ride right before dinner. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for a lovely dinner of steak and local corn. We also celebrated Daddy's birthday.




Today, Grandma and Grandpa stayed here with N for 8 (!) hours while Daddy and I and the girls went into NYC to see On The Town with Misty Copeland. It was a long day with him and they did a great job. They took him to a playground and out for ice cream, and then came back here for lunch and nap. N took a 3 hour nap! Then they took him out for a walk and he sat and colored while they prepared dinner. There was also some time in the basement and time outside. They all had a great day and I think everyone was happy to have the time together. Thank you very much to Grandma and Grandpa for letting us go into the city and treat the girls to another Misty Copeland performance.

The show was good and we loved seeing Misty dance. The girls enjoyed it – not as much as Pippin, Matilda or Wicked – but they liked the sets and the dancing. We hung around afterwards for autographs at the stage door, and got quite a few. Misty came out last, and she made it all the way down the row until 3 people before the girls, and then closed up her pen and went inside. Bummer.

But here are some pics from the stage door:








1 comment

Maddie Feldman says:

I had a great time!

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