Birthday Week

It has been a very momentous week.

I had a birthday.

Nate did a special report on CCNN.

And I lost my job.

So rather than dwell on the crappy stuff, let's focus on the positive. It was great hearing from everyone I love on Tuesday. I got a lot of calls and texts and messages, and had lunch and dinner with Grandma Sandy and ate her yummy cake. Dad ordered a small feast from Spices and sent me flowers and I had M's delicious defrosted cookie pie. Many calls with A and many hugs from N. What more could I want?

N did a special report today on the World Cup – he asked a bunch of people who they thought would win and he spliced together the answers. It was great.




Laid off Homesnappers:



Here also are some cute pics from Thanksgiving that Darrah sent me:



Sunbathing dog:


Heading out to birthday dinner at Bucks soon. All is good.

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