N Conference and Flu Shot

We had N's conference today. Here are some of the things we discussed:

  • His teachers love his joyful personallity.
  • He loves coming to school and loves exploring the whole classroom, and particularly the sand/water table, anything with paper and stickers, and the train.
  • His sense of humor is starting to come out.
  • His teachers want him to "loosen up" physically and let the silly out.
  • He's in the mix with the other kids. That means he likes to play with them but sometimes also is responsible for pushing them.
  • He's good at waiting his turn. (Despite the pushing.)
  • We may want to get him evaluated by the speech therapist since it's free through the school. He should stop drinking from bottles. 🙂
  • He eats a wide range of snacks at school.
  • He has gotten better about taking his shoes off before Movement with Kim.
  • Kathryn likes to pick him up and squeeze him.
  • His favorites to play with at school are Carter, Joshua and Allen.

After the conference, Nana and I took him to the doctor's office for his flu shot. He seemed excited about the shot ("Flu shot!") until he had the shot, and then cried for 15 seconds until I have him a pop and he picked out an Angry Birds sticker.

Daddy has gone out of town for a few days and I am home tonight with the girls (N is asleep) watching a doubleheader of Amazing Race and Shark Tank.

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