N’s Social Sunday

N had a very social day today. He went to a class gathering at Livingston Park this morning which almost of all of his attended. It was cold but lots of fun, and there was a ton of food. N had two "bussins", which is pretty much all he ate today. We played a lot of Follow the Leader and he spent a while on the swings. He also fed one of his classmate's dogs and seemed to really enjoy that. 

This afternoon after nap, we had a playdate with the son of one of my colleagues. His name is Ben and he's 4. N enjoyed playing with his toys, and following Ben around and copying what he was doing. I wouldn't say N was particularly good at sharing.

Girls had lots of ballet and rehearsal, and they even made it to a whole Sunday School class today.

Tonight I made a fancy dinner: chicken tikka masala with rice, brussels sprouts with bacon and pomegranate seeds, and homemade bread:






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