Maddie, Go Get Dressed

N is funny – when he wants to have someone's full attention, he dismisses anyone else who might be around. I went to get him from his crib this morning, and M came in to wish him good morning. He said, "Maddie, go take shawder [shower]." She said she didn't need one. He said, "Go get dressed." She said she was already dressed. Then he said, "Go to your room." 

Then tonight, Grandma was over (she's back from her trip!) and they were playing the piano together. I came over to help intepret the song request he was making, and he said, "Mama, go make dinner. Go to the counter."


Speaking of cute, A was upset with me the other day because she said I wasn't emailing her enough. So sweet. I love that she loves my emails.

Tomorrow is a bonus Nutcracker rehearsal which will sadly (?) displace Chug Ivrit. 

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