Election Day

I haven't posted in a few days. Last night I fell asleep on the couch around 10:30 and didn't wake up til 12:30. Here's what has been going on.


We are watching returns and stressing about the Senate races. The girls have been getting lots of lessons in democracy today. This morning, we did the school dropoff safety volunteer thing, and there were many candidates and campaigners outside the school, which is a polling location. One of them was one of our mayoral candidates. So they got to see the whole process in action. 

BUT the bigger deal is that the Lafayette elections were today too. The girls did a fantastic job. They got up in front of 300 kids and read their speeches clearly and loudly. We are very proud of them for putting themselves out there. Unfortunately, they didn't win. We don't know how close it was, but I know that a lot of people voted for M&A. I saw ballots being filled out around me and many of them had M&A's names on them. So they were probably close. 

We are so proud of them.

Here are the speeches: 


When I pick up the girls from ballet on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, I always say the same thing when they get in the car: "Well! If it isn't the cutest, sweetest, smartest, most adorable, best, most beautiful girls in the world." (It's true!) And then I say, "How….. Was Ballet!?"

Tonight when they got in the car, I said, "What am I going to say?" And then THEY said it! So cute.

In other news… there isn't any other news. N has a cold that seems to be getting better. A is getting braces tomorrow. (!)

A few pics:

N in his crib with the alphabet needlepoint that Nana made him:

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My colleague Mark with the lava lamp the girls gave him (they got another one from Tuvana for Christmas that they like better!)

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