Game 7

I can't believe tonight is the last night we get to watch baseball until APRIL. That is so far away from now. Think of all that has to happen between now and then… Thanksgiving, my birthday, lots of Nutcracker performances, Christmas, Hanukah, New Years, whatever we do over break, the dark months of January through March, Valentine's Day, Presidents Day… you get the idea. At least I have the Oscars to look forward to. 

Let's go RO-YALS. Clap Clap ClapClapClap. Score is currently tied at 2-2.

Today N and I had many conversations about not wearing shoes during Movement with Kim. He doesn't have Movement til next week so we shall see if my words have had any impact.

M&A each wrote articles for the Bear Facts, which came out today. I am so proud of them! They have been writing them at school.

On Friday the girls have to turn in book summaries for 5 books. M has already turned in 5 summaries, and A is finishing #4 tonight. She will do #5 tomorrow.

Early morning wakeup for bootcamp (thank you A for putting N back to sleep at 6:20) combined with a late night and lots of wakeups have left me pretty tired. But I won't sleep til the game is over!


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