Bye Bye Laptops

I just got a new computer and need to leave this one and the new one with the Apple store to migrate data. Trying not to panic.

So that means no posts tonight and maybe tomorrow night.

Here is what's on tap for the weekend:

  • Softball practice
  • Ballet class
  • Clowns rehearsal
  • Soccer game
  • Sunday School
  • Clowns rehearsal II
  • Softball game
  • M-D Book Club

Another crazy weekend. Hoping to fit pumpking picking in there too – maybe Saturday evening after soccer? 

The girls have been awesome with little N lately – lots of laughts and attention. He has been eating it up. He's also sleeping very poorly – waking up all night long and then early in the morning. We're hoping this is a phase.

And we need to start potty training too. And weaning him off of a bottle.


OK, so I don't know when I can post again, when I will have a laptop again, but hopefully soon!

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