
Some cuteness:

1) When I drop M&A off at school in the morning, I always say, "I love you more than anything in the world" when they get out of the car. And A always says, "I love you the mostest infinity google!" This morning, when she got out, I said "I love you the mostest infinity google!" first, and she said, "Wait! That's MY thing!"

2) I sent M an article about how many people actually catch home runs when they land in the stands. This is the email she wrote me back: "That is one of the best links I have ever seen. I especially loved the picture action things, to use as a viual. It was so cool!!!"

3) This morning, I told M that the Pirates lost last night. She said something very insightful: "I bet all of the players on the Pirates are thinking back over the whole season and all of the games that they lost, wondering which ones they could have won, which would have kept them from being the wild card team." So true.

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