Kiawah Vacation By The Numbers

It's our last night here in Kiawah – boo! So bummed we have to leave tomorrow. Here is a by-the-numbers post with a few photos.

Cameras found today: 1 (!)

Paddleboard lessons/tours taken: 2, by me and Daddy

Times the family pool was evacuated thanks to poop: 2

Waves "jumped" or "caught" in the ocean: countless

Approximate temperature of pool and ocean water: 80 degrees

Loads of laundry done: 6

Bike rides taken: 4

Combination for our two bike locks: 5082

Smoothies consumed at the pool: A-4 (strawberry), M-3 (mango), N-1 (strawberry), me-1 (strawberry)

Facials enjoyed by me: 1, thanks to Daddy!

Minutes late that the class lists were posted online: 49

DVDs brought for N for the car: about 25

Nats players N can now name without prompting: Denard SPAN!, Anthony RENDON!, Adam LAROCHE!, Jose [This is a hard one for him ] LOBATON, Jayson WERTH!, Bryce HARPER! and Jackie ROBINSON (not a Nats player, the girls just read a book about him)

Winning streak that was broken today: 10 games (Nats lost to Giants 10-3)

Times the girls went down the slides at the pool: countless

OK, time for pics:





These pictures are loading so slowly here that I can't add any more.

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