Update from Kiawah

We've been having a very relaxing, low-key here in Kiawah. Most days, we go for a bike ride in the AM (some rides have gone better than others), then hit the pool, then N goes down for a nap and the girls and I hang out at the pool, and then we come back to the condo and head to the beach when it isn't so hot and the sun isn't so strong. We've been eating most of our meals here with the groceries we bought at the beginning of our visit. N is going to bed late but sleeping well. A has read a TON and has been staying up to finish books (one night til 2!). M has been reading a lot too.

Tonight we went for a "nature walk" on the beach with a guide. It wasn't great. It got dark halfway through the walk, we didn't see a whole lot of nature, and we got lots of bites at the end. But it was fun being out on the beach at sunset and at night, and the water was quite warm.

A few bad things:

1) 2 days in a row, someone has pooped in the pool. That has meant closing the pool, plus the general yuck factor.

2) We have misplaced our camera, which is a huge bummer for many, many reasons. There is a chance we left it in a restaurant this morning and will go look tomorrow AM. But we aren't optimistic. $$$$$$$$$$

3) A's flip flop broke tonight, which is a bummer because that's pretty much all she's been wearing for shoes.

In other news, the girls got their class assigments today. They got teachers they wanted – YAY! – but neither of them has any close friends in their class – BOO. It seems that all of their friends are concentrated in one class. Bummer. A points out that every year, she gets the nicest, not-t00-strict teacher (Haigler, Baldwin, Cobb, Powell, Shapiro). She thinks that her teacher this year, Mr. Jewett, and his teaching partner Mr. Gregall, will continue the trend. M has Gregall so the girls will see each other in passing. There is a new 5th grde teacher that it seems everyone else has.

 The little boy has been talking a ton and entertained everyone on the nature walk. And now he can say the last names of the Nats if we give him the first names.

Speaking of Nats, 10 WINS IN A ROW!

Ok, over to A, who wants to write a note to her future self.

"Dear me,

  Hello future me! I'm sure I'm the same as you now. You are propbably thinking "AW! I was so young and cute!'  Well I'M NOT AND I'M NOT "young' AND 'cute' SO DEAL WITH IT! YOU ARE PROBABLY NOW LAUGHING A LOT AND THAT MAKES ME MORE ANGRY! I DONT HAVE ANGER ISSUES. I DONT REALLY! Remember we are the same person and I know that right now you probably think I'm embarring myself (yiu) ell I'm not and this is what you did . . . . anyway. . . . .I'm also not mean which it seems ike right now. Sorry!  :)   I'm actually a nice and smart person. . . if you remember. Well, just to let you prove that I'm smart, I was very advanced in math so my teacher said I could be a Math Tutor for an hour every other day at DEAR time. (reading time). Well I just wanted to make a note to self and I'm Not trying to be disgusting, but when in a pool, which I'm sure you love to do, make sure tht youre keeping an eye on those kids that poop in the pool. Today someone did and it was DISGUSTING! It was everwhere! Just make sure! I hope you're looking at this and thinking of me (you) when you were younger and NOT "cute" and "young" and don't you dare show this to anyone. Maddie, back off, and Nate, don't even get in to this this is just for me Alexa. Nate this message is for you, I love you so much though you don't understand me so you can read ths now. Maddie this is for you, I will always feel like i have this special connection with you that nobody has but twins like us. Mommy Daddy this is for you, you are the best prents someone could ever ask for. Nana, I love you so much! You've always been there for me and always there to support me especially when I'm sad and you feel like My other mother. Lucky, you are the cutest and sweetest dog I've ever met just like Allie dog. Me, I also love you lots and even though I don't know you yet, I'm sure you'll be smart and wonderful and pretty and I have an EXTREMELY big relationship with you! To my friend at the time, which hopefully is Ellie Aladjem who is my best friend now, well friend of mine you're Awesome and you make me happy! Alexa That's the end and it's ok if you laughed at this or anything else, but I'm happy you read this note to self and i hope you liked it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                                                      -Alexa   🙂   🙂   🙂   🙂   

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