The Day That Did Not Go As Planned

Here's how today was supposed to go.

Dan was supposed to get the girls and him all packed for his annual father-kid camping trip. He was to leave early afternoon, to return tomorrow afternoon. I was going to hang with N today, get his hair cut after nap, and then go out tonight to the Nats game with 3 girlfriends to enjoy the Mayor's box while Imogene babysat here at home.

Here is what happened.

1. M woke up feeling crummy. At 11:30 we took her temperature – 101.5. She took a nap.

2. N and I ran some errands before he took a nap.

3. When M woke up from her nap, she was burning up. Temperature: 104.5. (!)

4. Daddy decided not to go on the camping trip.

5. We spoke to the doctor who advised layering M's medicine and lots of fluids.

6. I decided not to go to the game and let my friends know.

7. Imogene came anyway and helped with N while we took care of M.

8. I dropped off the tickets for the game at Jen Cook's house. A came with me and then stayed at Zoe's to hang out a bit.

9. Jen decided to take A, Zoe and her babysitter (whom she had arranged to go out with me) to the game.

10. M's temperature stayed high until about 10PM, when it FINALLY came down thanks to Tylenol.

11. N spiked a temperature before bed: 101.7. (Sigh!)

12. A returned from the game around 10:20.

13. M and I played Memory – she won 1 and I won 1 (which is slightly troubling but we chalked it up to her fever).

14. Now everyone is going to bed. Our house is one big germ zone.

Here is a photo Jen sent from the game. (Nats won, 8-3).


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