Day 2 from PA and Q&A About N

Day 2 in PA was very relaxing. We all did some kayaking and canoeing (except N). N spent much of the day throwing rocks and sticks into the lake and hearing them go "klump!". He enjoys walking to the end of the dock, throwing rocks in, and then walking back. We also walked to the neighbor's house in the morning to check out the roosters (COCKADOODLEDOO) and saw a cat too.

Tonight we celebrated N's birthday with chocolate cake , which he loved – thanks, Grandma Dina!

It has been beautiful and relaxing here.

I will upload from today later.

In the meantime, Tuvana asked me some questions about N on Thursday. It occurred to me that they would be good blog fodder!

Here they are, verbatim, with my answers:

what time does he wake up? 8:15
crib or toddler bed ? crib
what does he eat for breakfast ? nothing!!! he is barely eating these days.
does he like/hate sunscreen? he tolerates it
favorite book ? there are so many! anything with alphabet. goodnight construction site. goodnight gorilla. a book about nighttime on the farm, zin zin zin a violin.
favorite stuffed animal ? pooh bear and elmo
what time nap ? 1-3 or thereabouts
does he ever skip nap ? no
how is he getting along with Lucky ? ok, tho lucky takes his food which he hates, and he yells at lucky when he hears us do it
what time bed? 830
how long is bath ? about 15 mins. he still won't sit down in the tub!
does he ever wake up in  the middle of the night? more lately than ever, which is annoying. he used to sleep all the way through every night.
is he interested in potty training ? not at all, tho sometimes he sits down on it fully dressed.