Weekend Report!

What a weekend! I haven't posted in two nights, so here's a catch-up post.

Friday, I picked up the girls from the bus and got to see the Minion cupcakes they made at Holton camp. They are really getting good at frosting!

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Mellow night at home. Nats game was over by dinnertime. I went to a book reading at P&P and afterwards Daddy went out and we watched Hollywood Game Night.

On Saturday, the girls went to Grandma's house to practice their recital pieces one last time on her piano. In the afternoon, we went swimming at Bethesda pool. N let us take him in the big pool, which was really fun. He seemed fine with the water and liked watching MommyAda on the diving board. Saturday night, all of us minus N went to a going away dinner party for the Dailards. It was a late night for the girls – we got home at 11!

Today, Sarah came over with her cute pup, Chloe (who A named!). Chloe and Lucky hit it off beautifully and played in the backyard together very happily.

[Photo is not uploading! Grrrr.]

A few milestones today: A walked Lucky by herself at noon and M&A walked him alone in the evening. And the girls stayed home today by themselves when I went with N to run an errand and Daddy went to pick up a babysitter.

This afternoon was the girls FOURTH piano recital! They did a wonderful job and the recital was great, as always. Many of Grandma's friends came, and there was a lovely spread. We stayed afterwards with Aunt Tequila, Stu and Grandma for pizza dinner. We're all so proud of the girls and thankful to Grandma for the piano lessons and tutelage!

I will share pics tomorrow because things are not uploading properly tonight.

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