A Day of Sports

Typepad went down last night, so I wasn't able to post. Here is what I was planning to post: pics from N's haircut on Friday.

Photo 2 (4)

Photo 1 (5)

And now to today.

Lots of things happened.

A's soccer game was cancelled due to wet field, but she had her end of the year soccer BBQ this afternoon. It was a fun event and all of us enjoyed it, especially N, who was surrounded by his favorite creatures in the world: 10 year-old girls.

Photo 3

Photo 2

And check out little N in the middle of the team group (pink sunglasses!):



Meanwhile, M had her second playoff game today, against the Cards. The Orioles played well, but we lost 13-10 after a 6-0 lead in the first inning. It was very sad.

After the game, the team assembled at Michael's house. Coach Ron gave each of the kids a signed ball.

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If you couldn't hear what he said, it was "To Maddie, the sweetest, toughest right field second baseman ever. You played beautifully. I am going to miss you for the summer, and I'd coach you for baseball forever, if I could."

N got into the sports action today too. He took L for a walk, and stretched with Daddy.

Photo 2 copy

Photo 1 copy

 Oh, and we went to a BBQ at the Japanese embassy residence. You know it's a busy day when that gets bottom billing.

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