Rollercoaster Day

This was a long day, with ups and downs.

Here are the ups:

1. A's soccer team beat NCS! YAY! 2-1. Great game. And it was A's best game of the year. She was aggressive and got her feet on the ball a lot. We're very proud of her. Well done, A!!!

2. We had a nice dinner with Aunt Tequila tonight. She came in from NY and had dinner here at our house. She took some great pictures of the kids and we had a nice chat about her photographing a girls' softball game in the Village. 

The downs:

1. M's team, the Orioles, had a painful game against the Pirates. Some bad ump calls, heat with no shade, and worst of all, some VERY aggressive stealing by the Pirates. It was a tough game. The score wasn't that bad – 17-11 – but it was a hard game. That's her last regular season game.

2. A had ANOTHER book report meeting here and they are STILL not done. Another meeting on Tuesday. Sigh. Daddy said that it was a ittle hard to get them to focus. But they did get a few scenes done.

The big news is that today is N's last day as a one year-old! TOMORROW IS N'S BIRTHDAY!!!


Here are some pics from Grandma Sandy's birthday dinner last night.

Photo 3 (1)

Photo 2 (4)

Photo 1 (5)