No Pushing

Life is a bit complicated right now. The girls have group book club projects due next week that are video projects with multiple scenes, props, costumes, etc. They have had a lot of meetings after school with their groups, which involves pickups and carpools and lost of schedules to keep track of.

I'm not sure how much academic instruction is going on. There are like three more field trips in the next two weeks.

Hopefully M's baseball team is heading to the playoffs, but we won't know that til this weekend.

A may be playing my alma mater this weekend in soccer. If so, I hope she beats the pants off of them.

And little N's birthday is on Sunday! I am going to order him an Elmo/Big Bird cake tomorrow. Lots of friends will be coming to his party, including Ella and Brooks! We are so excited to see them.

We are working on this:

"No pushing kids."

"No pushing babies."

"No pushing Mammy."

"No pushing Ada."

"No pushing Mama."

"No pushing Dada."

"No pushing Lukcy."

"No pushing Nana."

Sense a theme there?

Oh, these kids. They are just the best.





1 comment

grandma Sandy says:

He can push grandma Sandy as much as he likes!

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