Cuteness Abounds

So much cuteness in this house.

First, I have to share some adorable mispronunciations by N.

  • Smoothie = "Foonie"
  • Purple = "peeple"
  • Flower = "fladder"
  • Yellow = something that isn't yellow, but I can't remember what it is

Second, how cute is this email that M sent to Daddy in response to an article he sent her about Ryan Zimmerman?

OMG!!! I am so excited Ryan Zimmerman is coming back!!! After six weeks and FOURTY (did I spell that right) games!!! Wow. And just from a little incident from a cleat stepping on his thumb. How did that cause him such a long time on the injury list??? At least Adam Laroche is back. I might have forgotten to tell you this, but when Aidan and Caleb came back from the Nationals game, the car they were driving behind was Anthony Rendon's!!! They were also driving behind – I think – Ryan Zimmerman, and when Aidan and Caleb waved to him, he waved back! Can you believe that!? Also, remember how we were talking about a strainer and other words for it? Well, I think the word on my spelling list that meant a strainer was sieve, but I an not entirely sure. I better stop writing now because I think this is one of the longest emails I have ever written! Write back!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smileymailheart

I am proud of the girls because they write amazing thank-you notes. It takes a while to get them out because they spend so much time on each one. (If you're reading this and you're waiting for a thank you note, I promise you that it will come soon.) Here is one that M wrote to Imogene:

Dear Imogene (the best nanny in the world),

Thank you so, so, so, so, so, sooo much for the jewelry box. As you probably know already, Alexa and I really needed it. The gift is perfect in other ways, too. For example, it is the perfect size and shape. Another reason is that it's adjustable. What could be better than that? Also, (this could be left unsaid), thank you for being the best nanny in the universe, and that gift is even better than the jewelry box. I could keep saying that forever and ever, and I still won't get tired. You are always there for me, and it will always be like that. I hope you had a fantastic time during our birthday! Best wishes, Maddie PS. Almost everyone in my class knows you. (And of course likes you!)

More cuteness: pics of N at nursery school last week. He's going to love it!

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Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 1 copy


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