Arts Night, Portrait Gallery and Temple Sinai

Today was a big day!

N went to Temple Sinai for a little intridution to nursery school. I think he's going to love it there. There was so much to play with and explore. N was outgoing and curious. Sally asked the kids to come up with a song to sing, and he yelled out "ABC"! So she sang it and he wanted to sing it the way I sing it to him ("QRSTUVVVV"). It was so cute. Successful visit!

Daddy chaperoned the girls' field trip to the National Portrait Gallery. He got to see a lot of them and was with the on the bus and the tour. He said it was a good tour. The girls' friends said after school that it was boring, but M said she liked it. 

I will upload pics from TSNS and the museum tomorrow.

Then tonight was Arts Night. The girls played piano accompanying the whole 4th grade singing "Lean on Me". They did great! I have pics to upload from Arts Night too, but in the meantime I will post the video of them playing the piano.

A momentous day!

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