Maddie(s) Save The Day by MF

M's class has buddies in pre-K, and they had to write a fairy tale for their buddy as a writing project. Here is the fairy tale that M wrote for her buddy, who is also named Madeleine. She is giving it to the other Maddie on Friday. M was the only one who wrote her fairy tale in rhyme.


Maddie(s) Save the Day

To the best buddy in the universe, Maddie Ponchione.

I hope you have a great time here at Lafayette


Once in a land far, far away, there was a princess named Maddie.

She lived in the center of a village where everyone was happy.

One day, when everyone was full of glory,

there was a problem, well here's the story…


Maddie the maid was sweeping the dungeon floors,

when a big dragon busted through the dungeon doors.


"Oh no," cried the maid, "What shall I do? I must call the princess of orange, purple and blue, and of course, her sister, too."

She pressed a button in the wall

to make a call

to the princesses at the ball.


There she came, sliding down the banister.

Alongside her was Anna, her princess sister.


The three of them looked for the dragon on and on.

They finally came to the conclusion that the dragon was gone!!!


Maddie the maid was tending the kingdom's flowers, 

when the dragon appeared, tall as a tower.


"Oh no," cried the maid, "What shall I do?

I must call the princess of orange, purple, and blue,

and of course, her sister, too."


She pressed a button on the outer castle wall

to make a call

to the princesses wrapped in glamorous shawls.


There she came, running down the castle steps.

Alongside her was Anna, both looking heroic as they swept.


The three of them looked for the dragon on and on.

They finally came to the conclusion that the dragon was gone!!!


Maddie the maid was cleaning the kingdom's pool,

when the dragon appeared, covered in slimy drool.


"Oh no," cried the maid, "What shall I do?

I must call the princess of orange, purple, and blue,

and of course, her sister, too."


She pressed a button in the pool that was very tall

to make a call

to the princesses that were as fancy as the Taj Mahal.


There she came, with her bathing suit on.

Alongside her was Anna, both looking as graceful as a swan.


The three of them looked for the dragon on and on.

They finally came to the conclusion that the dragon was gone!!!


At the end of the day, Maddie was reading Princess Maddie a book.

Who am I kidding? It's the 21st century! They were reading on a Nook!


Anna was off, so it was just them together,

when the dragon appeared, as fast as global warming weather.


Princess Maddie was the bravest of them all

and zapped the dragon until he was tiny and small.


Everyone cheered for Maddie, also the princess of ballet.

She killed the dragon that everyone feared.

Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!


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