M&A’s Birthday

Yesterday was the girls' birthday. It was a pretty normal day of school, with no activities after school (the girls decided not to do their assistant coaching). They came home and we worked on their state fair posters, which we finished. (Whew!)

(They kicked off the day with breakfast in bed. Blueberry bagels fresh out of the oven – I bought them at 7AM and brought them right home.)

To celebrate, we had takeout from Cactus Cantina, then opened presents.

The girls. Cleaned. Up.

So many great presents!!! They are so lucky, and are surrounded by people who know them and what they love. They had visits from all of their DC grandparents today too.

From us they got: email addresses (!), a flatiron and absorbent towels, shirts with chalkboards on them, the 2013 blog book, and tickets to see One Direction in August!!!

From each other they each got a Wendy Mass book.

From Grandma D and Grandpa R they got: matching pajamas and tickets to see a show in NY later this year.

From Grampy and Nana they got: ballet winter booties, new ballet bags, and tickets to see both a ballet and a baseball game later this summer/fall.

From Tuvana they got: a lava lamp and Moon in my Room, which will replace their old broken one!

From Aunt Darrah and Uncle Jason they got: One Direction pillowcases.

From Aunt Deb and Uncle Jonathan they got: the Pitch Perfect and Frozen soundtracks.

From Imogene they got: a huge and lovely jewelry box.

From Aunt Liz and Uncle Jonathan they got: an Amazon gift card.

Grandma Sandy's present is coming on Saturday…

They got lots of calls and emails and recognition of their birthday from their friends and family. And little N kept saying "Happy birthday to you Ada" and "Happy birthday to you Mommy".


We made cupcakes for A's class, and had the remaining cupcakes after dinner. We will celebrate M's birthday in her class next week.

















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