Birthday Party Weekend

What a weekend!!!

Here is what happened: the girls had their birthday party, they went to the Spring Fair, they went to a slumber party at Abigail's, they had sports games, they saw their grandparents, they went to Sunday School and they got lots of presents. Not a bad weekend!

The birthday party was a hit. It was a mystery party and the girls who came had a great time, it seemed. Quite a few of them figured out who did it (in this case, stealing the ballots for a high school election). The cake was a hit, even though we had to rush through the cake a little because the mystery took a while to finish. N wanted to be part of the party and sat on the floor with the girls and clapped at the right times, etc. So cute.

Spring Fair was fun. The girls went on their favorite ride – the thing that lets them jump and flip – as well as a few moonbounces. They enjoyed watching some friends in the dunk tank and hung out at the petting zoo a bit with N. It's cute that their friends like to hang out with N. N took two train rides and seemed to enjoy them a lot!

A's soccer game was good, despite her being pretty tired post-slumber party. They beat Sidwell 4-2. M's game today was a tough one against the Highlanders. She played well, as did most of the Orioles, but the numbers weren't on their side.

Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron came in last night to help celebrate and are going back tomorrow. Grampy came to the soccer game and stopped by to wish the girls a good party last night. And Grandma Sandy, the keeper of the cake, dropped it off last night and joined us for pancakes this morning. So we've all had a nice time with grandparents!

I have tons of photos. Here are just a few.










I have lots, lots more to share – will post this week!!