State Fair Project

Hopefully, someday the girls will read this post and think, "Thanks, Mom and Dad". 


Below you will find a letter about everything State Fair. We wanted to give everyone a few tips and reminders about the upcoming State Fair. The date is Friday, May 9th. Yes, that’s next week! The following project items are due on that day: the colorful poster, the food for the buffet, the stuffed suitcase, and the essay if it was not accepted in final form prior to the 9th. Read carefully below for some clarifications and info. 

General info: 

On Friday the 9th, the children should drop off food items in the cafeteria around 8:15, then go down to the gym by 8:20 and look for their state table spot and arrange the suitcase and tape up the poster on the wall. If the state spot is on a middle table, the poster can be taped from the edge of the table. Parents can help, and there will be a few teachers in the gym to help answer questions. We will go back to the classroom for morning announcements and unpack just like a normal morning at 8:40. We will be in the gym sharing our suitcases from 9:10 until 11:30ish. Parents are welcome to visit anytime between 9:10 and 11:30. Most come for set-up in the morning and then leave soon after hearing their child around 9:15. 


By Monday (5/5), the children will bring home a folder with their completed poster components and colored paper sheets if needed. Glue the components on colored paper and then glue each item to the poster board. There is a sample poster picture in your child’s State Fair folder. You can buy your own flat poster board at Office Depot, Staples, or most grocery stores also carry posters. Tri-fold poster boards are not allowed due to space restrictions with so many kids. We do want the name of the state on the top left with the student name under the state. You do not have to follow the exact arrangement for all of the other poster items. Feel free to move things around so that the papers fit. Also bring thick duct tape for the poster because masking and Scotch tape do not work well. 


Our hope is that we’ll have a variety of food to eat at the buffet and not only desserts. Feel free to make fruit, vegetables, or meat items. Use your best judgment about portions. We have 25 kids in our classroom and a few parent volunteers and teachers munching. Generally a dish that serves 10 is suitable. If the dish needs to be served hot or cold, you can bring it closer to lunch time – by 11:45 – because we won’t be able to heat/refrigerate things that day. Most dishes are fine at room temperature. Look for the table labeled “SHAPIRO FOOD.” There will be a teacher in the cafeteria to point out the table in the morning. Please label your plate and utensil so that it can be easily gathered at dismissal time. WE DO NOT REQUIRE A TYPED RECIPE. ALL WE HAVE ASKED IS THAT THE INGREDIENTS BE LISTED ON A SMALL PIECE OF PAPER AND THAT YOU TAPE IT TO THE DISH OR PLATE. THIS IS BECAUSE SOME OF THE CHILDREN HAVE FOOD ALLERGIES. 


Plugs are not available for the display. No items on the floor. Please display collected items in the suitcase or pin/tape things around the suitcase lid. A sample suitcase is in our trailer. ALL SUITCASES MUST GO HOME THAT DAY. IF A PARENT IS VISITING LATE IN THE MORNING OR IS AROUND SOON BEFORE DISMISSAL IN THE AFTERNOON, FEEL FREE TO TAKE THE SUITCASE HOME. IF NOT, YOUR CHILD WILL PACK IT UP AND BRING IT HOME AT 3:15. 


I'd like a parent or two to help out in the cafeteria in the morning from 8:15-8:40 and then a small handful of parents to help out from 11:30-1 for uncovering dishes and cleaning up at the end. Lunch volunteers are welcome to eat lunch with us. Please let Jen know if you can help out! Thanks in advance! 


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